xml - Represent XSD choice elements into LiveCycle Designer PDF forms -

i'm using adobe livecycle designer , xml files create pdf forms project. created xsd, among others contains unbounded sequence of choices, example following:

<xs:sequence maxoccurs="unbounded">   <xs:choice>     <xs:element name="item1" type="xs:string" />     <xs:element name="item2" type="xs:string"/>   </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> 

to represent in adobe livecycle designer, i'm having following:

myform (subform)   itemssubform (subform, repeated many items)     item1wrapper (subform)       item1 (textfield)     item2wrapper (subform)       item2 (textfield)   additemsbuttonssubform     additem1button (button)     additem2button (button) 

when presses additem1button, create new itemssubform instance using following:

this.parent.parent._itemssubform.addinstance(); xfa.resolvenode("this.parent.parent.itemssubform[" +(this.parent.parent.itemssubform.instancemanager.count - 1) + "]").item2wrapper.presence = "hidden"; 

and opposite thing additem2button.

the problem apart inserting items manually, want able use xml file, , reason created xsd above. use bindings associate item1 , item2 elements xsd item1wrapper , item2wrapper respectively. problem once have item1 element in xml, both item1wrapper , item2wrapper created (and same item2). there way control loading in order hide respective wrapper?

i inform unfortunately cannot change either pdfform or xsd.

if understand correctly, solution has limited changing xml file.

i don't think you'll able solve without changing pdf form, set insert both children of itemssubform.

you should've used either choice subform or repeat settings associated each item?wrapper (repeat each data item, min count = 0).


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