jquery - my js is working fine on chrome and safari -

my jquery working fine on chrome , safari not in ie , mozilla. reason.i following this example. ie showing prompt save, open file.

edit: assuming wan't form should shake when login fails.

look in vibrate.js file, uses webkittransform (safari , chrome both based on webkit):

webkittransform: 'rotate(' +rotate +'deg) 

there better ways rotation in browser supports css3, take @ example: http://www.robertnyman.com/css3/css-transitions/css-transitions-mac-os-x-stacks.html

so, line:

t.css({position: 'relative', left: leftpos +'px', top: toppos +'px', webkittransform: 'rotate(' +rotate +'deg)'}); 

should instead this:

var r ='rotate(' +rotate +'deg)'; t.css({position: 'relative', left: leftpos +'px', top: toppos +'px',     "-moz-transform": r, "-webkit-transform": r, "-o-transform": r, "transform": r}); 


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