Convert select list to JSON using jQuery -

how can .val()'s , .html()'s of options multiple select list json object? preferably using jquery.

thanks in advance!

a little more info:

i using 2 multiple select boxes. selecting items on left box , moving them right. once have items want selected push submit , take items in right select box , move them main list.

here code using once json object:

datalistobject = json.parse(response); if (datalistobject.length){     $(".data-list tbody").empty();     (var i=0; < datalistobject.length; i++) {         var newrow = "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='user_id' value='" + datalistobject[i][0] + "' class='data-list-check'></td><td>" + datalistobject[i][1] + "</td></tr>";         $(newrow).appendto($(".data-list tbody"));     } } 

example html , output be:

<select name="selecteditems">     <option value="op1">option 1</option>     <option value="op2">option 2</option>     <option value="op3">option 3</option> </select>  [     ["op1","option 1"],     ["op2","option 2"],     ["op3","option 3"] ] 

something this?

var items = $("#select > option").map(function() {     var opt = {};     opt[$(this).val()] = $(this).text();     return opt; }).get();  for(var = 0; < items.length; i++) {     for(key in items[i]) {         alert(key + ': ' + items[i][key]);        } } 


edit: structure example data:

var items = $("#select > option").map(function() {     var arr = [];     arr.push([$(this).val(), $(this).text()]);     return arr; }).get(); for(var = 0; < items.length; i++) {     alert(items[i]); } 


see .map.


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