delphi - Add multiple TFrame controls to TScrollBox -

i'm doing little offline shopping cart application here delphi , i'm stuck. need insert frame scrollbox (act shopping cart item row, can remove item, add quantity , on) on product select listview. can't add multiple frames there.

    procedure tfrmmain.lvproductsselectitem(sender: tobject; item: tlistitem;   selected: boolean); var   cartrow: tframe1;   i: integer;   count: integer; begin    cartrow := tframe1.create(nil);   cartrow.edit1.text := item.caption;   cartrowarr := tobjectlist<tframe1>.create;   cartrowarr.add(cartrow);   count := cartrowarr.count;   := 0 cartrowarr.count - 1   begin     scrollbox1.insertcontrol(cartrowarr[i]);   end; end; 

it's on frame there , can't right. if select product need insert frame, if select product need insert antoher frame. if product select alredy there, raise quantity one.

any appreciated!

i suspect want multiple frames in scroll box end below each other. have tried adding

cartrow.align := altop; 

this cause rows automatically align next each other vertically.


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