java - Queen Collision -

i solving queen collision problem can located here

i need understanding instructions. understand reading file, don't understand how know queen positions are?

i don't understand part:

the first line of dataset contains blank separated positive integers n g, n indicates n x n board size, , g number of linear patterns of queens described, n < 30000, , g < 250. next g lines each contain 5 blank separated integers, k x y s t, representing linear pattern of k queens @ locations (x + i*s, y +i*t), = 0, 1, ..., k-1. value of k positive. if k 1, values of s , t irrelevant, , given 0. queen positions on board. total number of queen positions among linear patterns no more n, , these queen positions distinct.

the first line of dataset contains blank separated positive integers n g, n indicates n x n board size, , g number of linear patterns of queens described, n < 30000, , g < 250. the next g lines each contain 5 blank separated integers, k x y s t, representing linear pattern of k queens @ locations (x + i*s, y +i*t), = 0, 1, ..., k-1. value of k positive. if k 1, values of s , t irrelevant, , given 0. queen positions on board. total number of queen positions among linear patterns no more n, , these queen positions distinct.

you read g on first line, , tells how many more lines there are. on each of lines, read k, x, y, s , t, , use position queens. k tells how many queens position set, x , y tell position first one, , s , t tell distance between queens. don't see how there's difficult understand this.


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