Parse error in Haskell -

the following code:

import io import system(getargs)  main =     args <- getargs     let l = length args     if l == 0         putstrln "foo"     else         putstrln "bar" 

generates parse error if-else clause. have tried using curly braces no avail. help!

just demonstrate comment mark's answer,

import system.environment (getargs)  main :: io () main =     args <- getargs     let l = length args     if l == 0       putstrln "foo"       else putstrln "bar" 

is legal haskell.

with ghc 7.0's {-# language rebindablesyntax #-} extension, can away with

class ifthenelse b c d | b c -> d     ifthenelse :: -> b -> c -> d instance ifthenelse bool a     ifthenelse true = const     ifthenelse false = flip const instance (monad m, ifthenelse (m b) (m b) (m b))       => ifthenelse (m a) (m b) (m b) (m b)     ifthenelse = liftm ifthenelse  main =     if liftm null getargs       putstrln "foo"       else putstrln "bar" 

(shamelessly aped


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