sql server - Web Sync Replication: (0x80004005): The schema script 'xxx' could not be propagated to the subscriber -

ive been having great trouble setting replication (web sync via https).

if publish tables, replicate fine data.

if add in views & sprocs failes message:

comerrorexception (0x80004005): schema script 'xxx' not propagated subscriber 

the publication sql 2008 , subscriber sql express 2005.

the views relativly simple, such as: (sql added drop @ top).

drop view [dbo].[vallusers] go

set quoted_identifier on go set ansi_nulls on go

create view [dbo].[vallusers] select userid staff userid not null union select userid vesselstaff userid not null union select userid fleetmanagers userid not null go

im confused , dont know im doing. have ideas????

update 3rd dec 10

ok, i've been fiddling bit longer. replicate tables, data , user defined functions no stored procedures or views go. indicate?

ok hope helps else found out problem is.

basically, sprocs , views not replicate without table (there msdn blog found here link text). in example, had tables , data, when started adding views things coming across , doesn't work.

i had function referencing column had been deleted (so when created @ subscriber failed).

we had lot of data replicate (we doing http web sync replication) had adjust settings in agent on server sent less data per hit. see article info link text


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