Programmatically generate HTML for HitHighlightedSummary using KeywordQuery in FAST search for SharePoint 2010 -

i trying develop customized sharepoint 2010 web part fast search. using this:

var fastquery = new keywordquery(proxy) {     resultsprovider = searchprovider.fastsearch,     querytext = querytext,     resulttypes = resulttype.relevantresults | resulttype.refinementresults }; fastquery.selectproperties.addrange(     new string[] { "title", /* ..., */ "hithighlightedsummary" }); resulttablecollection searchresults = fastquery.execute(); 

i go on bind searchresults[resulttype.relevantresults] repeater control. i'm trying "hit highlighted summary" appear calling fastquery.highlightstringvalue(). value i'm passing hithighlightedsummary searchresults. example of looks result when searching "ear" is:

<ddd/>false ); getdlgitem(idc_<c0>ear</c0>_pain_static)-&gt;enablewindow<ddd/>false ); getdlgite(idc_<c0>ear</c0>_pain_absent_radio<ddd/>false ); getdlgitem(idc_<c0>ear</c0>_pain_mild_radio<ddd/> 

however, when called string this, fastquery.highlightstringvalue() throwing system.servicemodel.faultexception message "value not fall within expected range."

what correct way convert excerpt html, or should calling highlightstringvalue() other value? documentation not particularly helpful.

i typically perform manual conversion of hit highlighted summary markup html. you'll find combination of 2 markers in summary:

  • <c0> </c0> (highlight)
  • <ddd/> (ellipsis)

a manual transformation of markup simple following string replacement:

string hithighilghtedsummary; // ...  hithighlightedsummary = hithighlightedsummary.replace("c0", "strong").replace("<ddd/>", "&#8230;"); 


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