Recording all Sql Server Inserts and Updates -

how can record inserts , updates being performed on database (ms sql server 2005 , above)?

basically want table in can record inserts andupdates issues on database. triggers tough manage because there 100s of tables , growing.

thanks bullish

we have hundreds of tables , growing , use triggers. in newer versions of sql server can use change data capture or change tracking have not found them adequate auditing.

what have 2 separate audit tables each table (one recording details of instance (1 row if updated million records) , 1 recording actual old , new values), each has same structure , created running dynamic sql proc looks unauditied tables , creates audit triggers. proc run every time deploy.

then should take time write proc pull data out of audit tables if want restore old values. can tricky write on fly structure, best have handy before have ceo peering down neck while restore 50,000 users accidentally deleted.


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