php - can one controller send the user to another controller -

i new codeigniter.

i trying setup website user must logged in view pages. coming java, taking hierarchical approach things.

my thought write own controller base:

<?php class my_controller extends controller { function  controller() {     parent::controller();      if(!$this->quickauth->logged_in())     {     //they need login, send them login page.     } } } ?> 

now can write controllers extend , sure logged in.

here outline login page:

<?php class login extends controller { function index() {         //lets double check, might not have login.     if ($this->quickauth->logged_in())     {     //send them main controller     } } } ?> 

well can see have gotten far. need replace:
1. //send them main controller
2. //they need login, send them login page.


is there better way of doing this?

thanks, blake

redirection easy.

just use:


yes, load url helper access redirect function.


since url helper used lot, should autoload in config/autoload.


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