javascript - tablesorter header set to sort false, but still sorts -

i implemented jquery tablesorter , trying set 1 column not sort. followed documentation isn't working because still sorts. here code.

i copied whole function pretty sure need code inside get.

function displaypid() {         var x = $("#selectpub").val();          if (x == 0) {             return;         }          $.get('content_backend_pub_pid_2_5.ashx', { cmd: '2', pubid: x }, function(o) {             $("#inputdiv2").html(o);             $(".sortable th").addclass("sort_header");             $(".sortable").tablesorter({ widgets: ["zebra"], headers: { 3: { sorter: false}} });             $(".sortable tr").mouseover(function() { $(this).addclass("over"); });             $(".sortable tr").mouseout(function() { $(this).removeclass("over"); });          });         //$("#inputdiv4").html("");         //displayselectmid();     } 

also, tried alternative. added jquery.metadata.js file , in th tag wrote...


that did not work either. thinking has css styles?

and html produces...

<th id="editheader" class="{sorter:false} sort_header header">edit </th> 

any appreciated. thanks!

so, figured out. forgot had couple hidden th's in code, working setting sorter false hidden row! lol! changed index 5 , works great.

i dumb, dumb, real. ;-)


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