has and belongs to many - Saving hasOne with HABTM in CakePHP -

this problem occurred when added hasone relationship 1 of habtm models. categories_posts not save in database. did before.

right now, form have this:

<?php echo $this->form->create('post'); echo $this->form->input('post.title'); echo $this->form->input('post.category', array('multiple' => 'checkbox')); echo $this->form->input('post.body', array('rows' => '3'));  echo $this->form->input('page.title'); echo $this->form->input('page.uri'); echo $this->form->input('page.meta_keywords'); echo $this->form->input('page.meta_description'); echo $this->form->input('page.layout');  echo $this->form->end('save post'); ?> 

page model looks this:

class page extends appmodel {  var $name = 'page';  var $order = array('page.modified' => 'desc');   var $hasone = array(   'post' => array(    'classname' => 'post'   ));   var $hasmany = array(   'snippet' => array(    'classname' => 'snippet'   )); } 

post model looks this:

class post extends appmodel {  var $name = 'post';  var $hasandbelongstomany = array(   'category' => array(    'classname' => 'category'   )  );  var $belongsto = array(   'page' => array(    'classname' => 'page'   )  );  var $actsas = array('containable');  var $virtualfields = array(   'date_posted' => 'date_sub(post.created, interval 7 day)'  );  } 

category model looks this:

class category extends appmodel {     var $name = 'category';     var $hasandbelongstomany = array(         'post' => array(             'classname' => 'post'         )     );      var $actsas = array('containable'); } 

my tables looks this:

categories id name  categories_posts category_id post_id  pages id title uri meta_keywords meta_description layout created modified  posts id page_id title uri body created modified 

this method saving

function admin_add() {     $this->set('categories', $this->post->category->find('list'));      if ( ! empty($this->data)) {         if ($this->post->saveall($this->data)) {             $this->session->setflash('your post has been saved', 'flash_good');             $this->redirect($this->here);         } else {             $this->session->setflash('your post has not been saved','flash_bad');          }     } } 

this sample array when submitting:

array(2) {   ["post"]=>   array(3) {     ["title"]=>     string(10) "post title"     ["category"]=>     array(4) {       [0]=>       string(1) "1"       [1]=>       string(1) "2"       [2]=>       string(1) "3"       [3]=>       string(1) "4"     }     ["body"]=>     string(16) "<p>post body</p>"   }   ["page"]=>   array(5) {     ["title"]=>     string(10) "page title"     ["uri"]=>     string(0) ""     ["meta_keywords"]=>     string(11) "page meta k"     ["meta_description"]=>     string(11) "page meta d"     ["layout"]=>     string(11) "page layout"   } } 

why isn't categories_posts saving?

it seems needed have in form:

echo $this->form->input('category.category', array('multiple' => 'checkbox')); 


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