uml - Conceptual Class Diagram -

i trying draw conceptual class diagram. in system, have 1 person can performing 2 roles. 1 being "teacher" , other being "student". same person teacher in 1 instance , same person student in instance. in such situation, depict them 2 separate classes (in conceptual diagram)?

please advise.


unless person teaching themself, don't caught in trying show relationships cross use-case boundary. validate links each scenario separately; realize not connections used every scenario.

people fill roles. try

person associated educationrole

educationrole has subclasses of 'student' , 'teacher'

here diagram.


they can change role play depending on situation. if need show person teaching themself create subclass of educationrole named 'autodiadact' means self-teacher.

a commenter asked changing role using method , i'd include answer here.

so, yes code ability change role in method , ask bigger question, why changing role? teacher becoming student or student becoming teacher, either way model shown allows person have many educationroles (which asterisk denotes) @ same time there isn't need change role support person multiple possible roles.

in conceptual model attempting illustrate relationships between valid state of system, not how change might executed (using method).


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