wsgi - Error LNK1104: cannot open file 'python27.lib' PyISAPIe -

am trying compile 64bit version of pyisapie using vs2010. not used c/c++ programming managed configure settings vs2010. went until got linking stage gave above mentioned error. checked library path settings , looked fine. below command line building dll:

/out:"x64\release\pyisapie.dll" /incremental:no /nologo /libpath:"c:\pyisapie\python\x64\python27\libs" /libpath:"c:\pyisapie\python\x64\python26\libs" /libpath:"c:\pyisapie\python\x64\python25\libs" /dll "kernel32.lib" "user32.lib" "gdi32.lib" "winspool.lib" "comdlg32.lib" "advapi32.lib" "shell32.lib" "ole32.lib" "oleaut32.lib" "uuid.lib" "odbc32.lib" "odbccp32.lib" /nodefaultlib:"libc libcmt msvcrt" /def:"pyisapie.def" /manifest /manifestfile:"x64\release\pyisapie.dll.intermediate.manifest" /allowisolation /manifestuac:"level='asinvoker' uiaccess='false'" /pdb:"c:\pyisapie\x64\release\pyisapie.pdb" /subsystem:windows /opt:ref /opt:icf /pgd:"c:\pyisapie\x64\release\pyisapie.pgd" /ltcg /tlbid:1 /dynamicbase:no /implib:"x64\release\pyisapie.lib" /machine:x64 /errorreport:queue

the path c:\pyisapie\python\x64\python27\libs exists , containes python27.lib.

can me out. in advance

i compared linker command line mine (i'm project author) , it's same far flags go, might want other reasons why file can't opened. x64 lib sure? have access?

you might try reinstalling newest 2.7 x64 release different location , add folder instead.


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