Understanding Python Classes or Customising the Django UserAdmin model -

i'm attempting override of behaviour of django useradmin model. particularly, i'd hide 'superuser' field non-superusers.

so, approach this:

class modeladmin(basemodeladmin):     "encapsulates admin options , functionality given model."      # ...      def has_change_permission(self, request, obj=none):         """         returns true if given request has permission change given         django model instance.          if `obj` none, should return true if given request has         permission change *any* object of given type.         """         opts = self.opts         return request.user.has_perm(opts.app_label + '.' + opts.get_change_permission())      #... 

based on i've found in modeladmin

class useradmin(useradmin):     """     ... customised useradmin     """      # adding new method     def is_superuser(self, request):         "returns true if given user superuser."         return request.user.is_superuser      # elsewhere 'hopefully' show different fieldset     # following, of course, doesn't work.      fieldsets = (         (none, {             'fields': (                 ("first_name", "last_name"),                  ("email", "password"),                  "is_staff",                  "is_active",                  "is_superuser" if self.is_superuser() else none              )            }),         ('groups', {             'fields': (                 'groups',              )         }),         ('meta', {             'classes': ('collapse',),             'fields': (                 'username',                 "last_login",                  "date_joined"             )         })     ) 

so, questions are:

  • how create def within new custom useradmin class, such above, , how call it? (how know when i'm in right context so)
  • part 2 (bonus): how can succinctly include/exclude 'is_superuser' field in form, psuedo code above suggesting?

kind fellows!

~ daryl

thank you

if want forbid users promote superuser, override youruseradmin.get_readonly_fields():

class youruseradmin(admin.modeladmin):     ...     def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=none):         if request.user.is_superuser:             return none         try:             return self.readonly_fields + ('is_superuser',)         except:             return ('is_superuser',) 

you have unregister default user/useradmin , register own.

admin.site.unregister(user) admin.site.register(user, youruseradmin) 

however, zen of admin says:

at it's core, django's admin designed single activity: trusted users editing structured content.

if user not trusted, not give him edit rights edit user accounts, period. if hide superadmin option , "filter superadmin status" filter, can change password , log in you. so, if need untrusted users edit user accounts, forget admin , write own dumbed down interface.


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