visual c++ - Dumb question.How can I make my objects not deform while using gluPerspective? -

hy.i drawn skybox , few objects inside every thing alright except fact objects deformed use of gluperspective ,which need draw skybox , stuff(for example have cube ,but looks paralelipipedic (long longer box) ).now have read chapter 3 of redbook can`t figure out .i have tried using glfrustrum,glortho ,and can t figure out how make work normal. code :

 void display(void)   {  glclear (gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit); glloadidentity (); /* set projection matrix 100 degree fov   */    glfloat w = (glfloat)glutget(glut_window_width),h = (glfloat)glutget(glut_window_height);    glmatrixmode(gl_projection);    glloadidentity();    gluperspective(100,w/h,0.5,100);  /*   set modelview matrix camera    */    glmatrixmode(gl_modelview);    glloadidentity();    glrotatef(cameraphi,1,0,0);    glrotatef(cameratheta,0,1,0); /*   no need clear color buffer, skybox fills whole screen   shiny objects in cube environment mode use depth buffer, need clear 1   */    glclear(gl_depth_buffer_bit);    /*   draw skybox   */  gldisable(gl_lighting);     //the way move around space(my camera) glulookat(move_camera.x,move_camera.y,move_camera.z,move_camera.x,move_camera.y,move_camera.z-100,0,1,0);      drawskybox2d(treetexture); glenable(gl_lighting);     //theese objects chair(obiecte[0]); table(obiecte[1]); bed(obiecte[2]); sleep(5);     glutswapbuffers();   } 

and skybox draw this:

void   drawskybox2d(texture treetexture[])    {    /*   enable 2d texture mapping   */      glenable(gl_texture_2d);        /*   disable depth buffer when rendering skybox   */    gldisable(gl_depth_test);    gldepthmask(0);      int dim=20,x=1,y=0; /*   rear face   */    glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d,treetexture[5].texid);    glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(x,y);    glvertex3f(dim,dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,x);    glvertex3f(dim,-dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,x);    glvertex3f(-dim,-dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,y);    glvertex3f(-dim,dim,dim);    glend();     /*   front face   */    glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d,treetexture[4].texid);    glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(x,y);    glvertex3f(-dim,dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,x);    glvertex3f(-dim,-dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,x);    glvertex3f(dim,-dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,y);    glvertex3f(dim,dim,-dim);    glend();     /*   right face   */    glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d,treetexture[1].texid);    glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(x,y);    glvertex3f(dim,dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,x);    glvertex3f(dim,-dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,x);    glvertex3f(dim,-dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,y);    glvertex3f(dim,dim,dim);    glend();     /*   left face   */    glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d,treetexture[0].texid);    glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(x,y);    glvertex3f(-dim,dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,x);    glvertex3f(-dim,-dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,x);    glvertex3f(-dim,-dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,y);    glvertex3f(-dim,dim,-dim);    glend();     /*   top face   */    glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d,treetexture[3].texid);    glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(y,x);    glvertex3f(-dim,dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,y);    glvertex3f(-dim,dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,y);    glvertex3f(dim,dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,x);    glvertex3f(dim,dim,dim);    glend();     /*   bottom face   */    glbindtexture(gl_texture_2d,treetexture[2].texid);    glbegin(gl_triangle_fan);    gltexcoord2f(y,x);    glvertex3f(-dim,-dim,-dim);    gltexcoord2f(y,y);    glvertex3f(-dim,-dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,y);    glvertex3f(dim,-dim,dim);    gltexcoord2f(x,x);    glvertex3f(dim,-dim,-dim);    glend();     /*   reactive depth buffer   */    glenable(gl_depth_test);    gldepthmask(1);    } 

can please me in way?

try passing 45 instead of 100 first element of gluperspective. you're getting deformations because angle wide (= unrealistic).

if doesn't help, please attach screenshot.


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