Profile java parallel/sequential sorting -

does know way profile sorting algorithm in java(sequential , fork join) ? because running time short (sorting list size 5000..), system.nanotime() seems not work properly.

i plan run same test case many times (1000) , rid of first 100 results (avoid hotspot compiler problem) , average of running time using system.nanotime(). suggestion on ?

thanks lot!

can way ?

double count = 0; double start, end; for(int r = 0; r < warmup; r++) {     // test } for(int t = 0; t < runs; t++){     start = system.nanotime();     // test     end = system.nanotime();     count += start - end; } double avg = count/avg 

i can assure nanotime() work , if want avoid hotspot warmup need run 10k times. should find sort of 5k element quick , 1k test not much. need write test produces reproduce-able results. if haven't, down fix test because not good.

i suggest try , see results get.

on old computer, sort of 5k random int values takes 500 us. note: sorting sorted array not give same result. (so cannot sort same array each time)

a simple way run test number of times ignoring first n runs do.

long start = 0; for(int r = -warmup; r < runs; r++) {     if (r == 0) start = system.nanotime();     // test } long avg = (system.nanotime() - start)/runs; 


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