tcp - C# packet structure system -

i working on packet system (udp or tcp, either way fine) came conclusion current (tcp) system awefull.

basicly, i'm sending packet looks this:

string packet = "login_auth;true" ipaddress target = ipaddress.parse(endpoint); // send packet 

when recieve packet in client, use determine packet type:

string[] splitpacket = packet.split(';');  if (splitpacket[0] == "login_auth" && splitpacket[1] == "true")    authlogin(packet); //does stuff loading next screen 

but i'm sure there must better way this, because of thread: (post 2)

i'm wondering if give me push in right direction on should categorize packets in way that's more easy on eye.

thank in advance.

edit: did research, cant find solution problem in wcf. once again, best way create packet structure, , how utilize it?

i don't want recreate protocol, this:

public string sepchar = ";" public static struct loginpacket {     string type;     string username;     string password; }  public void reqlogin() {     lock (_locker)      //need make thread-safe in case     {          loginpacket.type = "login";          loginpacket.username = "username";          loginpacket.password = "password;           sendpacket(loginpacket);     } }  public void sendpacket(string packet) {     // script send packet using struct information } 

i hope that's detailed enough.

i recommend wcf; if not now, decide learn in future. has huge learning curve because covers not you're trying do, many other things.

if want quick-and-dirty solution, use binary serialization. take approach, you'll need define message types in dll shared between client , server. then, remember use form of message framing messages don't munged in transit.

things more complex when consider versioning. you'll want use wcf.


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