documentation - Do you capitalize the name of a function/keyword when it starts a sentence? -

maybe better on englishoverflow, pertain software. there may objectively correct answer. if writing case sensitive language, , first word of sentence function,keyword,etc, capitalize it? instance, consider sentence:

strok c function used tokenize string.


strok c function used tokenize string.

i go option 1, looks out of place when sentence part of larger paragraph. perhaps real solution write case-insensitive languages!

leave case alone (changing case makes big difference, after all) format keyword:

  1. the next sentence contains example. strtok c function used tokenize string.
  2. the next sentence contains example. strtok c function used tokenize string.
  3. the next sentence contains example. strtok c function used tokenize string.
  4. the next sentence contains example. strtok c function used tokenize string.
  5. the next sentence contains example. strtok c function used tokenize string.

edit: include full set of examples. preference (3).


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