.net - count controls of type A under the mouse in WPF -
i have custom panels on canvas, there b panels, how can count panels located mouse cursor actually?
i know achieved visualtreehelper.hittest
, didn't have chance, returns elements on custom panels or nothing @ all...
this code
<usercontrol x:class="wpfapplication7.usercontrol1"> <grid> <label content="label" height="44" horizontalalignment="left" name="label1" verticalalignment="top" fontsize="20" fontweight="bold" width="78" background="#ff4b9fc4" borderbrush="#ff020a0d" borderthickness="1" /> </grid> </usercontrol> <window x:class="wpfapplication7.mainwindow" previewmouseleftbuttondown="window_previewmouseleftbuttondown" xmlns:my="clr-namespace:wpfapplication7"> <grid> <my:usercontrol1 horizontalalignment="left" margin="82,88,0,0" x:name="usercontrol11" verticalalignment="top" /> <my:usercontrol1 horizontalalignment="left" margin="168,166,0,0" x:name="usercontrol12" verticalalignment="top" /> <my:usercontrol1 horizontalalignment="left" margin="231,130,0,0" x:name="usercontrol13" verticalalignment="top" /> </grid> </window>
public partial class mainwindow : window { public mainwindow() { initializecomponent(); } list<usercontrol1> ucs = new list<usercontrol1>(); private void window_previewmouseleftbuttondown(object sender, mousebuttoneventargs e) { getucscount(e); console.writeline("ucs.count = {0}", ucs.count); } private void getucscount(mousebuttoneventargs e) { ucs.clear(); point p = e.getposition(this); visualtreehelper.hittest(this, null, new hittestresultcallback(myhittestcallback), new pointhittestparameters(p)); } hittestresultbehavior myhittestcallback(hittestresult result) { if (result.visualhit.gettype() == typeof(usercontrol1)) { ucs.add(result.visualhit usercontrol1); } return hittestresultbehavior.continue; } }
the result == 0
anywhere click...
for each hit in hittestresultcallback can try find parent usercontrol1 , add list if hasn't been added yet
hittestresultbehavior myhittestcallback(hittestresult result) { dependencyobject visualhit = result.visualhit; usercontrol1 parentusercontrol = getvisualparent<usercontrol1>(visualhit); if (parentusercontrol != null && ucs.indexof(parentusercontrol) < 0) { ucs.add(parentusercontrol usercontrol1); } return hittestresultbehavior.continue; } public static t getvisualparent<t>(object childobject) t : visual { dependencyobject child = childobject dependencyobject; while ((child != null) && !(child t)) { child = visualtreehelper.getparent(child); } return child t; }
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