Silverlight Unit Test Framework Rerun Tests -

ok, maybe dumb question , i'm not seeing button...but how rerun checked tests in sl unit testing application ui?

i launch unit test app, let run tests.....then can check or uncheck tests when completes....but how rerun checked tests without restarting whole darn thing? don't see button "run selected tests".....

honestly, hope i'm being stupid this.

i posted same question on codeplex, got not answer. sent direct email creator of framework, got no answer.

this tells me of couple of things:

  1. i'm dumb i've missed terribly obvious.

  2. no 1 uses silverlight production applications or @ least none require unit testing, no-one knows answer here.

  3. microsoft's commitment silverlight , support sub-standard, @ best.

  4. i've gotten unlucky in hopes support on matter.

that said, found answer myself. in app.xaml.cs:

private unittestpage _page; 

in application_startup:

rootvisual = _page = (testpage) unittestsystem.createtestpage(); 

add button or right click handler or something, call;   

hopefully helps else.


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