.net - Error when converting a csv file to html using c# -

i trying convert csv file html using stream reader , writing stream writer. problem is missing last line of csv file. debugged , tried tracing stream reader unable see stream reader output in watch @ each loop.

string line, path = @"c:\vertex\nov\source\reports\rpt_disconn_and_reconn_list_for_customer_operations_results.csv";  system.io.streamreader objectstreamreader = null; system.io.streamwriter objectstreamwriter = null;  objectstreamreader = new system.io.streamreader(path); objectstreamwriter = new system.io.streamwriter("result.html");  line = objectstreamreader.readline(); objectstreamwriter.write("<html><head><table border =1><>"); objectstream.writer.write(""):  while (objectstreamreader.peek() > -1) {     line = objectstreamreader.readline();     objectstreamwriter.writeline("<tr><td>" +                                   string.join("</td><td>", line.split('\t')) +                                   "</td></tr>"); }  objectstreamwriter.writeline("</table></body></html>"); 

i suggest using file.readalllines in this:

        const string path = @"c:\temp\data.csv";         const char token = '\t';          string[] lines = file.readalllines(path);         stringbuilder result = new stringbuilder();         result.append("<html><head><table border =1>");         foreach (string line in lines)         {             string[] parts = line.split(token);             string row = "<tr><td>" + string.join("</td><td>", parts) + "</td></tr>";             result.append(row);         }         result.append("</table></body></html>"); 


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