java - HashMap of HashMaps traversal -

in java, i'm trying retrieve hashmap<string, object> has object is: hashmap<string, object>.

i implemented recursive function returns either hashmap<string, object> found given key, or null if key wasn't found.

here function:

public static hashmap<string, object> gethashmap(hashmap<string,                                        object> map, string key) {     (map.entry<string, object> entry : map.entryset()) {      if (entry.getvalue().getclass().getname() == "java.util.hashmap") {          if (entry.getkey() == key)            return (hashmap<string, object>) entry.getvalue();          return gethashmap((hashmap<string, object>) entry.getvalue(), key);      }     }     return null; } 

it works first item. how traverse hashmap of hashmaps? better approach?

instead of returning value here:

return gethashmap((hashmap<string, object>) entry.getvalue(), key); 

you want first check if not null, , return then. otherwise should continue searching:

hashmap<string, object> result = gethashmap((hashmap<string, object>) entry.getvalue(), key); if (result != null)   return result; 


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