WPF/Silverlight Interview Questions? -

what kind of questions expect know during interview job doing wpf/silverlight development?

entry level

  • strong .net 2.0 background & willing learn!
  • explain dependency properties?
  • what's style?
  • what's template?
  • binding
  • differences between base classes: visual, uielement, frameworkelement, control
  • visual vs logical tree?
  • property change notification (inotifypropertychange , observablecollection)
  • resourcedictionary - added a7an
  • usercontrols - added a7an
  • difference between bubble , tunnel routing strategies - added carlo
  • xaml


  • routed events & commands
  • converters - added artur carvalho
  • explain wpf's 2-pass layout engine?
  • how implement panel?
  • interoperability (wpf/winforms)
  • blend/cider - added a7an
  • animations , storyboarding
  • clickonce deployment
  • skinning/themeing
  • custom controls
  • how can worker threads update ui?
  • datatemplate vs hierarchicaldatatemplate
  • itemscontrol vs itemspresenter vs contentcontrol vs contentpresenter
  • different types of triggers
  • how animations through storyboards


  • example of attached behavior?
  • what prism,cal & cag?
  • how can worker threads update ui?
  • wpf 3d - added a7an
  • differences between silverlight 2 , wpf
  • mvvm/mvp - added a7an
  • wpf performance tuning
  • pixel shaders
  • purpose of freezables

rest here : interview questions: wpf developer


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