How can you update a WPF Datagrid where ItemSource is a Linq-SQL collection that has .Refresh() executed on it? -

i have datagrid has itemssource bound result of linq query (.tolist())

i can make changes properties of collection bound itemssource, , these changes reflected in datagrid fields, such as;

myquerylist[2].myproperty = newvalue 

what can't though, see changes made in database reflected in datagrid this;

myquerylist.refresh(refreshmode.overwritecurrentvalues, myquerylist[2]) 

i have inspected value of myquerylist[2].myproperty after refresh, , shows has correctly updated database. why datagrid not display it, , how can datagrid display it?

also; have found same problem using observablecollection

thanks casey's (edited) response in this post, i've found workaround

i've implemented sendpropertieschanged() on collection members , call whenever refresh()


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