- How does IIS7 determine the same session in a cookieless scenario? -

we have cookieless sessions (inproc), url contains session id, i.e. s(dfasfdafasdfasfa)

we have several clients going through proxy servers appears our web server doesn't recognize session id , without session data can't continue. i've tested our sites on open proxies , work fine. there going on particular client proxy server causes behavior.

i've examined package captures success , fail cases (provided client) , raw html getting transmitted, including headers, same. proxy server not appear caching urls because correct session id coming down.

so thought iis7 using in addition session id in url determine unique client. perhaps @ tcp/ip level? rather app(http) level. on track? know answer this?

unfortunately without being able recreate scenario locally i'm racking brain hard.

log request url, sessionid , isnewsesssion.... should tell problem lies.

i doubt see valid session presented in url not reflected in sessionid. if see value expect reflected in sessionid isnewsession true across multiple requests, it's app recycle issue.


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