- Most Efficient Way To Watermark Image C# On The Fly? -

i have ecommerce store built in c# (webforms) , lot of new product images hard source, i'd watermark them our logo or domain name.

there many products download images , add watermark, , users limited image editing experience uploading new ones (so won't have clue how add watermark).

so guess leaves me using httphandler? yes / no? if can provide insight (preferably code samples in c#) most efficient way of adding watermark, considering some pages have around 20 images (jpegs) on (all of need watermarked)

i obtain graphicsobject jpeg, , draw watermark on top of item, , save again watermark:

using (image image = image.fromfile("myimage.jpg")) using(graphics g = graphics.fromimage( image)){   g.drawimage( mywatermarkimage, myposition);; } 


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