c# - linq to sql Distinct and orderby -

var result = table1.join(table2, o => o.programid, t => t.programid, (o, t) => new { o.programid, t.program })          .orderby(t => t.program)          .distinct(); 

the above linq statement returns correct result, sql generated (below) not simple be

select [t2].[programid], [t2].[program] (     select distinct [t0].[programid], [t1].[program]     [table1] [t0]     inner join [table2] [t1] on [t0].[programid] = [t1].[programid]     ) [t2] order [t2].[program] 

i have thought sql below far cleaner i'm not sure of linq statement achieve it.

select distinct      o.programid,      t.program       table1 0      inner join table2 t on t.programid = o.programid  order t.program 

thanks in advance

i don't know if help, can try this;

var result = (from o in table1               join t in table2 on o.programid equals t.programid               orderby t.program               select new { o.programid, t.program }).distinct(); 


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