.net - System.Diagnostics.Process.Start for mailto not working on test server -

at customers request (sadly) want request forms prompt local email client end user. don't want configure smtp or on there end.

i've run issue works on local iis, doesn't seem run on our or test server @ all. no error presented in log, , compose email doesn't ever popup sending.

any ideas? i've looked @ security , configuration, haven't found differences other os itself. xp pro -vs- server.

var mailtolink = "mailto:" + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject ("portal", "mailtouninst") + "?subject=" + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admntitluninst") + " request " + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnterm") + " " + term.text + " on " + dtuninst.text + "&body=";  mailtolink += (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnterm") + " " + term.text + "%0d%0a"                     + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnloc") + " " + loc.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnaddr1") + " " + addr1.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnaddr2") + " " + addr2.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admncity") + " " + city.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnst") + " " + st.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnzip") + " " + zip.text + "%0d%0a"                     + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnatmtype") + " " + atm.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admndtuninst") + " " + dtuninst.text + "%0d%0a"                     + (string)httpcontext.getglobalresourceobject("portal", "admnrsn") + " " + resn.text + "%0d%0a"                     ;  try {     system.diagnostics.process.start(mailtolink); } catch {   //error log process } 

all appreciated

first thing try: happens on command line?

start mailto:foo@xyz.com 

does start mail client? if not, it's nothing .net. (it doesn't work on netbook either, i've never set mail client on there...)


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