classpath - fitnesse not able to refer external API's in Java? -

fitnesse not able test application. working on java , have defined 3 things in class path : 1) path fitnesse.jar 2) path jar file(xstream.jar) code requires. (this jar included in build path of project also). 3) class path of fixture class.

fitnesse showing "java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: com/thoughtworks/xstream/xstream " can please help, thing has made whole work stuck !!!

i had recentley similar problems. resolution set correct working dir. got work use of followin start bat:

call java -dbasedir=d:\mybasedir -dmypath=d:\mybasedir\somesubdirs\bin -dmylibrarypath="%path%;.;d:\mybasedir\somesubdirs\lib" -jar d:\mybasedir\fitnesse\fitnesse.jar -d d:\mybasedir\fitnesse\ -r mysuite -p 8080 

be aware of start parameters: -d used working dir. perhaps gives further idea look.


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