linux - PHP and the build process (/.configure, make and install): orientation, please -

i'm newbie , after i've learnt enough build simple useful web services, managed put myself in position need configure own php build.

the problem don't know build means --never built either.

my broad question is: step step tutorial doesn't "must have dependencies"?

my specific question is: instance, 1 shows how build php odbc, rebuild (configure.nice , make nice?) imap in addition.

if finds php bundle comes odbc, great; odbc & imap, better. i'm looking show me how fish. please.

thnx. a.

gazler correct, simple setup, can configure ubuntu through repositories via apt-get. rhel-based systems - yum equivalent. however, if wanting know more of how compile scratch (which give more control on installation), can so.

basics of compiling application:

  1. download source website (such php,
  2. untar source (tar -xzvf source.tar.gz)
  3. cd source
  4. configure source (./configure [install-option-flags])
  5. compile source (make)
  6. test install (doesn't install) - make test
  7. install software (make install)

step 4 broad step. need figure out options want configure - see php core configuration options.

requirements installing php differ between environments, that's broad cover in 1 answer, however, @ least need c-compiler compile source. gcc choice, , installed already. on ubuntu (debian-based) use apt-get install build-essential or search , install via yum on rhel-based systems, believe yum install gcc.

you run dependencies issues compile, said broad step, however, once figure out requirements you need, should go, long document steps environment.

again, easiest way go install via software repository (apt-get, yum, emerge, pacman, etc), these don't give leverage on controlling environment installation, whereas building source gives configuration control you'd need.


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