encryption - Securing Connection String in Windows Azure and web.config -

i encrypt connection string in web.config described here:
published azure , working expected.

facing problem local development work against local database don't need encryption of connection string.
local development configured debug configuration , tried replace (transform) encrypted connectionstrings section of web.config like:

<connectionstrings configprotectionprovider="customprovider"> <encrypteddata type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#element"  ... </encrypteddata> 

regular non encrypted section web.config.debug

<connectionstrings> <add name="applicationservices" connectionstring="data source=localhost... </connectionstrings> 

i had no problem adding sections xdt:transform="insert, did not manage delete sections web.config.
results in parser error message: unrecognized element 'encrypteddata' when executing web project in debug mode.

is there way deleting encrypteddata section web.config.debug, or better practice overcome problem ?

just wondering... why want secure connection string? can put connection string in .cscfg file, , file not exposed in way through iis.


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