jquery - How to disable/enable custom click event for an img element in JavaScript -

i have asp.net datepicker control (no source available ) produces image element, when clicked shows calendar. want disable or enable on demand image through javascript. when added 'disabled' attribute img element, script in page goes in busy state , page never finishes rendering. guess disabled attribute causing conflict in way.

my next attempt disable custom click event asp.net control adds unoptrusively. how disable click event? how re-enable img works normal. using jquery 1.4.

var $img = $('img#yourid'),     handler = $img.get(0).onclick; // previous click handler // unbind $img.unbind('click').click(function(){     alert('new click'); }); // rebind $img.unbind('click').click(handler); 

you might need check other events (mousedown mouseup etc).


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