iphone - key values from an NSDictionary formatting with "()" -

i'm trying pull 2 values dictionary, values i'm getting have "()" around them. ideas causing this?

here serveroutput:


dictionary after json:

 {     rows =     (             {         location = beach;         userid = 1;     } ); } 

this i'm getting:

location : (     beach   ) user id : (     1   ) 

both userid , location key values have "()". here code. lot.

    nsstring *serveroutput= [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:dataurl encoding:nsutf8stringencoding];   if(serveroutput > 1){         sbjson *jsonff = [[sbjson new] autorelease];        nserror *error3 = nil;        nsdictionary *useriddict= [jsonff objectwithstring:serveroutput error:&error3];         nslog(@"useriddict: %@",useriddict);      idreturn = [[useriddict valueforkey:@"rows"] valueforkey:@"userid"];      locationreturn = [[useriddict valueforkey:@"rows"] valueforkey:@"location"];      nslog(@" user id : %@", idreturn);     nslog(@" location : %@", locationreturn); 

just clarify going on. when parsing json {} gets returned dictionary , [] gets retured array. have useriddict nsdictionary containing parsed data.

'useriddict' has 1 key rows returns nsarray.

nsarray *useridarray = [useriddict objectforkey:@"rows"]; 

our useridarray has 1 element, nsdictionary

nsdictionary *dict = [useridarray objectatindex:0]; 

this dict contains 2 keys: location , userid

nsstring *location = [dict objectforkey:@"location"]; nsinteger userid = [[dict objectforkey:@"userid"] intvalue]; 


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