iphone - Only addSubView in Certain Cells -

i have 10 cells/rows in uitableview , have set 4 of these cells have text so:

if (indexpath.row == 0) {         cell.textlabel.text = @"before school";     } 

im doing of inside:

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath { 

i struggling add uitextfield specific rows. how can achieve this? have managed add uitextfield either or none of them using:

[cell addsubview:textfield]; 

hope can help.

you should use if else statements. example:

if([indexpath row] == 0){   [cell setaccessoryview:textfield]; }else if([indexpath row] == 1){   [cell setaccessoryview:textfield]; } 


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