.net - I need to know how to deserialize a specific XML into objects defined in a custom class in C# -

given following xml:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>    <userattributelist>        <attribute>           <userid>12345678</userid>           <attid>1234</attid>           <attname>group</attname>           <atttypeid>8</atttypeid>           <atttypename>user group</atttypename>           <attdata>member</attdata>        </attribute>        <attribute>           <userid>12345678</userid>           <attid>1235</attid>           <attname>contact name</attname>           <atttypeid>16</atttypeid>           <atttypename>contact center greeting</atttypename>           <attdata>john smith</attdata>       </attribute>       ...     </userattributelist> 

i want deserialize following classes:

[serializable] [xmltypeattribute(anonymoustype = true)] public class userattributelist {     [xmlarray(elementname = "userattributelist")]     [xmlarrayitem(elementname = "attribute")]     public list<userattribute> attributes { get; set; }      public userattributelist()     {         attributes = new list<userattribute>();     } }   [serializable] public class userattribute {     public string userid { get; set; }     public string attid { get; set; }     public string attname { get; set; }     public string atttypeid { get; set; }     public string atttypename { get; set; }     public string attdata { get; set; } } 

using code below, getresponsestream() returns xml object listed above:

xmlrootattribute xroot = new xmlrootattribute(); xroot.elementname = "userattributelist"; xroot.isnullable = true;  xmlserializer serializer = new xmlserializer(typeof(userattributelist), xroot);  try {     return (userattributelist)serializer.deserialize(request.getresponse().getresponsestream()); } catch (exception exc) {     return null; } 

my code compiles no errors, userattributelist returned shows no child "attribute" items. no errors thrown

i sooner like:

public class userattributelist {     [xmlelement]     public list<userattribute> attribute { get; set; }      public userattributelist()     {         attribute = new list<userattribute>();     } }  public class userattribute {     public int userid { get; set; }     public int attid { get; set; }     public string attname { get; set; }     public int atttypeid { get; set; }     public string atttypename { get; set; }     public string attdata { get; set; } } 


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