Creating a grouped output using Template toolkit -

i have datafile

city : name london : john london : george paris : jean 

and output

london      john     george paris      jean 

i feel want like

[% use namelist = datafile( 'namelist.txt' )  %] [%   foreach city = unique ???  %] [% city %] [%   foreach name =????  %] [% name %]  [%end %]     [%end %] 

it best kind of data munging in controller. template toolkit's job lay things out , make them pretty, not "calculations".

what want more like:

 [% set list = formatter.group_them('namelist.txt') %]  [% foreach item in list %]  [% item.key %]     [% foreach name in item.value %]         [% name %]     [% end %]  [% end %] 

it possible want in variety of ways. can use vmethods split, create array, split again, build hash:

[% data = insert 'namelist.txt' %] [% lines = data.split("\n") %]\ [% list = {} %] [% foreach line in lines %]       [% pair = line.split(': ') %]     [% city = pair.0; name = pair.1;  %] [% end %] 

ok, have admit, mortified see in template inherited. things mortify others reason... @ time... :-)

a better approach insert

[% rawperl %]  

block. @ least then, admitting, have code within template , doing operations in natural , efficient way.


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