Horizontal overflow occuring with CSS3 3D transformations -

i have problem on http://mr.si/ css3 3d transformation. doing plainly fun , exploring new css functions disturbs me.

the problem occurs when hover on last 2 items in row. additionally wanted effect unwanted happens - element overflows horizontally dramatically , horizontal scroll bar appears not pleasant @ all.

maybe webkit bug occurring in latest chrome developer build , in safari 5 it's not.

any idea did wrong?

edit: worth noting changed site no longer relevant :p

to tell truth problem left me flabbergasted, looks browser bug me.

however, found simple fix:

#main section { overflow: hidden; // rest of css declarations } 

it's more of patch insight of why it's doing weird stuff, hope helps.


edit: solved with....

header[role="banner"], #main, #main + footer {   overflow: hidden;   padding: 0 20px;   //yourcode } 


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