dns - domain names and hosts file -

i have small network setup contains firewall has public static ip, switch connected green nic , 3 servers connected switch.

what trying register multiple domain names point them single public static ip has router on it. whenever request sent example1.com master dns registar forwards ip, based on requested domain name want forward request specific static ip in "local" network behind router.

how accomplish using hosts file, simple entry in router's hosts file example1.com example2.com redirect traffic domain name server behind router through single public ip or need setup dns server.

also if decide use dns, need setup dns slave forward zone?

ps: im not asking step step tutorials rather conceptual explanation cause im bit confused

thank you

the ip header (of packet coming router outside) doesn't contain domain name, contains ip address dns server returned domain name. neither approach work, in general case. if mean protocol will contain domain name, such http, ask more specific question trying accomplish.


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