Scenic Ribbon won't show up in Delphi Form // Has anybody an idea? -
i've played little bit scenic ribbon api (windows ribbon framework). result:
program ribtest; uses windows, messages, activex, comobj; {$r 'e:\ribbon\test.res'} type ui_viewtype = (ui_viewtype_ribbon = 1); ui_viewverb = (ui_viewverb_create = 0, ui_viewverb_destroy = 1, ui_viewverb_size = 2, ui_viewverb_error = 3); ui_commandtype = (ui_commandtype_unknown = 0, ui_commandtype_group = 1, ui_commandtype_action = 2, ui_commandtype_anchor = 3, ui_commandtype_context = 4, ui_commandtype_collection = 5, ui_commandtype_commandcollection = 6, ui_commandtype_decimal = 7, ui_commandtype_boolean = 8, ui_commandtype_font = 9, ui_commandtype_recentitems = 10, ui_commandtype_coloranchor = 11, ui_commandtype_colorcollection = 12); ui_executeverb = (ui_executionverb_execute = 0, ui_executionverb_preview = 1, ui_executionverb_cancelpreview = 2); iuiribbon = interface ['{803982ab-370a-4f7e-a9e7-8784036a6e26}'] function getheight(var cy: uint32): hresult; stdcall; function loadsettingsfromstream(stream: istream): hresult; stdcall; function savesettingstostream(stream: istream): hresult; stdcall; end; iuisimplepropertyset = interface ['{c205bb48-5b1c-4219-a106-15bd0a5f24e2}'] function getvalue(key: tpropertykey; var value: tpropvariant): hresult; stdcall; end; iuicommandhandler = interface ['{75ae0a2d-dc03-4c9f-8883-069660d0beb6}'] function execute(commandid: uint32; verb: ui_executeverb; key: tpropertykey; value: tpropvariant; execprops: iuisimplepropertyset): hresult; stdcall; function updateproperty(commandid: uint32; key: tpropertykey; currvalue: tpropvariant; var newvalue: tpropertykey): hresult; stdcall; end; iuiapplication = interface ['{d428903c-729a-491d-910d-682a08ff2522}'] function onviewchanged(viewid: uint32; typeid: ui_viewtype; view: iunknown; verb: ui_viewverb; reasoncode: int32): hresult; stdcall; function oncreateuicommand(commandid: uint32; typeid: ui_commandtype; commandhandler: iuicommandhandler): hresult; stdcall; function ondestroyuicommand(commandid: uint32; typeid: ui_commandtype; commandhandler: iuicommandhandler): hresult; stdcall; end; ui_invalidations = (ui_invalidations_state = 1, ui_invalidations_value = 2, ui_invalidations_property = 4, ui_invalidations_allproperties = 8); iuiframework = interface ['{f4f0385d-6872-43a8-ad09-4c339cb3f5c5}'] function initialize(framewnd: hwnd; app: iuiapplication): hresult; stdcall; function loadui(instance: cardinal; recname: lpcwstr): hresult; stdcall; function getview(viedid: uint32; riid: tiid; var ppv: pointer): hresult; stdcall; function getuicommandproperty(commandid: uint32; key: tpropertykey; var value: tpropvariant): hresult; stdcall; function setuicommandproperty(commandid: uint32; key: tpropertykey; value: tpropvariant): hresult; stdcall; function invalidateuicommand(commandid: uint32; flags: ui_invalidations; const key: ppropertykey): hresult; stdcall; function flushpendinginvalidations: hresult; stdcall; function setmodes(imodes: int32): hresult; stdcall; end; ttest = class(tinterfacedobject, iuiapplication) public function onviewchanged(viewid: uint32; typeid: ui_viewtype; view: iunknown; verb: ui_viewverb; reasoncode: int32): hresult; stdcall; function oncreateuicommand(commandid: uint32; typeid: ui_commandtype; commandhandler: iuicommandhandler): hresult; stdcall; function ondestroyuicommand(commandid: uint32; typeid: ui_commandtype; commandhandler: iuicommandhandler): hresult; stdcall; end; const clsid_uiribbonframework: tguid = '{926749fa-2615-4987-8845-c33e65f2b957}'; var myapp: ttest; meinhandle: hwnd; tmpframew: iuiframework; function wndproc(hwnd: hwnd; umsg: uint; wparam: wparam; lparam: lparam): lresult; stdcall; var res: hresult; begin result := 0; case umsg of wm_create: begin coinitialize(nil); cocreateinstance(clsid_uiribbonframework, nil, clsctx_inproc_server, iuiframework, tmpframew); if succeeded(tmpframew.initialize(hwnd, iuiapplication(myapp))) begin res := tmpframew.loadui(hinstance, pchar('application_ribbon')); if not succeeded(res)then sleep(5); end; end; wm_destroy: begin postquitmessage(0); end; else result := defwindowproc(hwnd, umsg, wparam, lparam); end; end; var wc: twndclassex; msg: tmsg; { ttest } function ttest.oncreateuicommand(commandid: uint32; typeid: ui_commandtype; commandhandler: iuicommandhandler): hresult; begin result := e_notimpl; end; function ttest.ondestroyuicommand(commandid: uint32; typeid: ui_commandtype; commandhandler: iuicommandhandler): hresult; begin result := e_notimpl; end; function ttest.onviewchanged(viewid: uint32; typeid: ui_viewtype; view: iunknown; verb: ui_viewverb; reasoncode: int32): hresult; begin result := e_notimpl; end; begin myapp := ttest.create; wc.cbsize := sizeof(twndclassex); := 0; wc.cbclsextra := 0; wc.cbwndextra := 0; wc.hbrbackground := color_window; wc.lpszmenuname := nil; wc.lpszclassname := 'meinribbon'; wc.hiconsm := 0; wc.hinstance := hinstance; wc.hicon := loadicon(hinstance, makeintresource(1)); wc.hcursor := loadcursor(0, idc_arrow); wc.lpfnwndproc := @wndproc; registerclassex(wc); meinhandle := createwindow('meinribbon', 'testapp', ws_overlapped or ws_clipchildren or ws_sysmenu or ws_caption, integer(cw_usedefault), 0, integer(cw_usedefault), 0, hwnd_desktop, 0, hinstance, nil); showwindow(meinhandle, sw_shownormal); updatewindow(meinhandle); while true begin if not getmessage(msg, 0, 0, 0) break; translatemessage(msg); dispatchmessage(msg); end; exitcode := getlasterror; end.
everything runs without error. i've made resource ribbon binary xml definition , got linked correctly executable. window appears without ribbon.
the important part in wndproc
. framework gets initialized tmpframew.initialize
(seems correct). reference counter of myapp
(it's iuiapplication
implementation) increases. call tmpframew.loadui
ribbon definition should loaded. there no error in call (result 0 , no exception raises) reference counter of myapp
that's happens... have idea i'm doing wrong?
i've found error...
- i'm not familiar c or c++. (i guess) therefore i've overlooked asterisks ,
's. there incorrect params leads minor bugs. - but main problem header file. in
missing. in online sdk , inuiribbon.idl
function defined. added interface , works expected.
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