iphone - UIMenuController how to show selection -

how can implement uimenucontroller selection shown below? have uiscrollview pdf loaded in in uiview (cgpdf...). menucontroller working without selection dunno how can selection on screen. not matter me selected now. want have visual selection shown.

below code use uimenucontroller.

uitouch *touch = [touches anyobject]; cgpoint tappoint = [touch locationinview:self]; nslog(@"\nposition of touch\nheight: %f\nwidth: %f", tappoint.y, tappoint.x); cgrect drawrect = cgrectmake(tappoint.x, tappoint.y, 20, 20); uimenucontroller *menu = [uimenucontroller sharedmenucontroller]; [menu settargetrect:drawrect inview:self]; [menu setmenuvisible:yes animated:yes]; 


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