c# 4.0 - clr.dll!LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert in a .NET 4.0 process -

background: working on winform based .net 4.0 desktop application has few threads , timers , uses gdi processing user controls. during development peep sysinternal's process explorer make sure there isn't unusual application such count of gdi handles or user objects etc.

problem: while using process explorer, found threads tab application's property in process explorer shows lots , lots of entries of "clr.dll!loghelp_terminateonassert+0x58f68". normal? think not because non of other .net application (that had written in past) shows same entry in properties in process explorer.

whats loghelp_terminateonassert()? (i believe function in clr.dll)

why loghelp_terminateonassert() getting called many times?

any pointers helpful.

thanks in advance.


the large number (+58f68) indicates actual method in clr.dll far away loghelp_terminateonassert(). should fix symbols , try again in order correct call stack. can find out real method is.

it's not loghelp_terminateonassert(), it's useless find out loghelp_terminateonassert() does.

to fix symbols: in process explorer, go options/configure symbols, enter


where c:\symbols path want store downloaded files.


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