java - struts checkbox problem -

i have checkbox in jsp page. there othe textfields in jsp page. can populate value of textboxs database. name field can fetch value 'myname' database , show in jsp page. can't fetch value of checkbox database. have field agriculture in database , in jsp page. want if value of agriculture in database 1 checkbox of agriculture in jsp page 1 also. , if value 0 checkbox unchecked. how can it. please help. code fragment oof jsp page.

    <td><label class="desc"> agriculture</label></td>                     <td>                                                             <html:text property="loanpurposecodeinfodto.agriculture" styleclass="singlelinetextfield" size="30" tabindex="1"  ></html:text>             <html:checkbox styleid="checkbox_isall" property="loanpurposecodeinfodto.agriculture" ></html:checkbox>                     </td> 

make loanpurposecodeinfodto.agriculture boolean variable, , set values true when value database 1, , false when database value 0.


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