email - 555 5.5.2 Syntax error. gmail's smtp -

do know syntax error refering?

here's code i'm using cakephp

 $user = $this->user->read(null,$id);     $this->email->to = array('');;      $this->email->from = '';     $this->email->subject = 'welcome our cool thing';     $this->email->template = 'simple_message';       $this->email->sendas = 'both';       $this->email->smtpoptions = array(         'port'=>'465',          'timeout'=>'30',         'auth' => true,         'host' => 'ssl://',         'username'=>'',         'password'=>'********',     );     $this->set('user', $user);     $this->email->delivery = 'smtp';     $this->email->send(); 

note i'm sending email myself test porpuses

this question asked here: cakephp smtp emails syntax error

here rabidfire's (correct) answer:

google's smtp requires format email addresses in following way:

recipient name <>

do both , address, , should go. if don't have name of user, can repeat email:

$this->email->to = " <>";


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