.net - Outer bevel effect on text in WPF -

is possible apply outer bevel effect label text in wpf?

alt text

as me, glow effect should sufficient:

alt text

here's way glow-effect on text. using outlinedtext control this link offers stroke.

alt text

<local:outlinedtext fontsize="100"                     fill="black"                     bold="true"                     stroke="white"                     strokethickness="3"                     text="glow">     <local:outlinedtext.effect>         <dropshadoweffect shadowdepth="0"                           color="white"                           opacity="1"                           blurradius="12"/>     </local:outlinedtext.effect> </local:outlinedtext> 

closest i've come bevel effect doesn't work well. used approach this link.

alt text

<style x:key="contentcontrolstyle1" targettype="{x:type contentcontrol}">     <setter property="template">         <setter.value>             <controltemplate targettype="{x:type contentcontrol}">                 <grid>                     <textblock name="highlight" foreground="#66ffffff" text="{templatebinding content}" />                     <textblock name="shadow" margin="0,4,0,0" foreground="#cc000000" text="{templatebinding content}"/>                     <contentpresenter margin="0,2,0,0"/>                 </grid>             </controltemplate>         </setter.value>     </setter> </style>  <contentcontrol style="{dynamicresource contentcontrolstyle1}" fontsize="101" foreground="darkgray" content="bevel"/> 


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