windows - How to test smtp email with DOS, not telnet? -

i know how test smtp email using telnet. think because telnet uses "its own channel" reach smtp server, doesn't mean normal smtp communication on port 25 work. (please correct me if not true)

basically client has encountered issue : [error] access default session denied during test application reach smtp server. same server, telnet send email works...

so i've got no other choice figure out why getting sort of error. done research find out lots , lots of command-line email applications, no in case client's environment i've got little control on install.

so think last resort using simple dos commands? please advise if there better way. many in advance.

i know how test smtp email using telnet. think because telnet uses "its own channel" reach smtp server, doesn't mean normal smtp communication on port 25 work.

that's incorrect. if sending e-mail works typing windows telnet application, works, i.e. there no problem smtp server, , there no firewall issues between client , server.

so bug in in application displaying error message. maybe there no bug, application not configured properly.


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