Comparing functions in Haskell -

is there way compare 2 functions in haskell?

my thought answer no since functions not derive eq type class. i'm trying write pretty trivial function , seems normal sort of thing do:

search :: ((enum a) => -> a) -> card -> [card] search op x list = if (op == succ && rank x == king) ||                        (op == pred && rank x == ace)                    []                    else let c = [ n | n <- list, rank n == op (rank x)]                      in if length c == 1                      x : search op (head c) list                      else [] 

error message:

no instance (eq (rank -> rank))       arising use of `==' 

basically either searches or down list of cards looking match either next or previous ranked card x, building list. taking 'pred' or 'succ' function operator works both forwards , backwards. however, need check doesn't go out of bounds on enum otherwise throws exception.

so i'm looking way prevent exception or solve problem!

any other pointers on improving code appreciated :)

thanks great tips, solution have come (taken bits every answer really!):

edit: correct solution below:

 maybesucc x | x == maxbound = nothing              | otherwise = (succ x)  maybepred x | x == minbound = nothing                | otherwise = (pred x)  -- takes list of cards have rank 1 op x -- if there 1 sequential, otherwise end matching search :: (rank -> maybe rank) -> rank -> [card] -> [card] search op x list = case filter (\n -> (rank n) == op x) list of                     [y] -> y : search op (rank y) list                      _ -> [] 


*main> let cards = [card ace heart, card 2 club, card 3 spade, card 5 club, card 4 diamond]  *main> search maybesucc 2 cards  [three of spades,four of diamonds,five of clubs]  *main> search maybepred 3 cards  [two of clubs,ace of hearts] 

1) op overly general. you'll using card whatever type rank (undefined :: card) is, make rankthing -> rankthing. also, function type signature missing return value type.

2) example intended use looks search succ ace xs, that's rather clumsy, how 2 auxillary functions handle bounds:

searchup king _ = [] searchup x ys = search succ x ys  searchdown ace _ = [] searchdown x ys = search pred x ys 

this might read better users , avoid need check operation

3) if want check operation performed, , know operation 1 of 2 possibilities, can either name operation or test known answer test (kat). example:

data operation = succ | pred  search :: operation -> card -> [card] -> [] search succ king _ = [] search succ x ys = search' succ x ys search pred ace _ = [] search pred x ys = search' pred x ys 

and kat solution (rather lame, imo):

search op x ys     | op 5 == 4 && rank x == ace = []     | op 5 == 6 && rank x == king = []     | otherwise = ... 


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