c# - WPF - Trouble binding ToolTip text on custom user control -

i'm in process of creating simple user control; imagebutton.

i've bound image button , i've decided add tooltip. i'm having troubles. seems can hard-code text tooltip in xaml control, when it's bound it's returning empty string.

here's xaml control:

<button x:class="bcocb.dacms.controls.imagebutton"              xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"              xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"              xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"               xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"               mc:ignorable="d"               d:designheight="300" d:designwidth="300"         name="this"         style="{staticresource disabledbutton}">      <image source="{binding elementname=this, path=source}" />         <button.tooltip>         <textblock text="{binding elementname=this, path=tooltiptext}" />     </button.tooltip> </button> 

and here's dependency property info tooltip text:

public static readonly dependencyproperty tooltiptextproperty = dependencyproperty.register("tooltiptext", typeof(string), typeof(imagebutton)); public string tooltiptext {     {     return this.getvalue(tooltiptextproperty) string;   }   set   {     this.setvalue(tooltiptextproperty, value);   } } 

and, finally, declaration of control in window:

<controls:imagebutton x:name="btnadd" source="/dacms;component/resources/plus.png" tooltiptext="add new item" click="btnadd_click" /> 

as mentioned before, image binds fine , i've done in same manner.

any ideas?


edit: have working now. i've removed elementname binding , set textblock's datacontext = this in code behind on instanciation. still, i'd know how fix in xaml, instead.

i'm unable test right now, can try:

<button.tooltip       datacontext=”{binding path=placementtarget.parent.parent,                     relativesource={x:static relativesource.self}}" >     <textblock text="{binding path=tooltiptext}" /> </button.tooltip> 

you may have experiment little number of "parent" in placementtarget.

hopefully works. don't giving answers haven't tested, don't have vs on computer. :)


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