android - How can I add an animation to the activity finish() -

i'm using overridependingtransition when activity created , works fine can see fade in works great, when try , animate finish on activity still doing default right left slide.

i first tried defining out animation when start activity follows:

intent myintent = new intent(a, skdyalert.class);     myintent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_single_top);     a.startactivity(myintent);     if ( > {         animationhelper.overridependingtransition(a, r.anim.fadein, r.anim.fadeout);     } 

then tried doing when finish activity well

okbtn.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {         public void onclick(view v) {             finish();             if ( > {                 animationhelper.overridependingtransition(activity, 0, r.anim.fadeout);             }         }     }); 

but neither of these approaches prevent "right left" slide exit animation. ideas on i'm doing wrong?

i override pending transition after calling finish();

in case, have done avoid transitions.

finish(); details.this.overridependingtransition(r.anim.nothing,r.anim.nothing); 

order important :)


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