cocoa touch - Maintain state in a multi view app -

i have appdelegate initiates view controller switches between 2 uiviews.

my question want maintain state. gather done in appdelegate applicationwillterminate. question how access button text , tableview data 2 views , best way persist table data?.

to persist current screen, try using nsuserdefaults:

[[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] setinteger:0 forkey:klastopenedscreenkey];    

for others, if you're using core data store , editing store table data access , modification, long save managedobjectcontext, reloading should take care of itself. make sure save data after modifying store code this:

nsmanagedobjectcontext *moc = [self managedobjectcontext]; nserror *error; if (![moc save:&error]) {     nslog(@"couldn't save!"); } 

edit: if you're not in appdelegate, , haven't set managedobjectcontext instance variable, use line of code instead:

nsmanagedobjectcontext *moc = [[[uiapplication sharedapplication] delegate] managedobjectcontext]; 


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